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November 15, 2020

Divorce Terminology Defined

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Divorce Terminology DefinedMost divorce lawyers understand that those going through a divorce may be enduring immense heartbreak over parting ways from their spouse. Even if both spouses agreed this was the best decision, there may still be aches and pains along the way. Divorce is perhaps one of the most complicated legal processes anyone may go through in their lifetime. Being aware of the terminology often used for divorce cases can help make things a bit easier. In the article below, we have provided a brief list of divorce terms that you may want to know about for the transition to come. 

Child Support = each parent has an obligation to their children to be of support as they grow up. In regards to divorce, the non-custodial parent may be ordered by the court to make payments to the other parent, as support to the child. 

Custody = refers to the parent who shall have responsibility for the child. Depending on what the court believes is best for the child, either both will share or only one parent has primary custody. The levels of child custody include: 

  • Sole physical custody
  • Joint physical custody
  • Sole legal custody
  • Joint legal custody

Equitable Distribution = the majority of states necessitate equitable distribution of property obtained throughout the marriage. Any debts or property should be divided equitably, not equally. Many factors may be used to determine what is considered fair, including the length of the marriage and the earning potential for each spouse. 

Petition for Divorce = with the help of a divorce attorney, a spouse can submit this document to the court requesting legal separation. This document may also be referred to as Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. 

Temporary Order = sometimes called Interim Order, this is a temporary set of guidelines that are to be upheld by each spouse until further notice. An example of such an order may be regarding child custody. One parent may be awarded primary custody, pending a final custody hearing. 

Spousal Support = when the court decides that one spouse must provide financial support to the other. This is often used as a way to permit the other spouse to continue living the same standard as during the marriage.

Visitation = if one parent was awarded primary physical custody of the children, the other parent is permitted to visit the children but on a routine basis. Typically, a schedule has been established to avoid disputes between the parents as to when visitation should occur. 

The divorce process can be a very trying and frustrating proceeding to go through. It can be one of the most emotionally challenging transitions any person may endure as well since fate had a change of plans for the future. A divorce lawyer Alameda County CA from a law firm like can provide compassionate legal services as you go through each step in the divorce process. Please know that you do not have to battle this alone, as there are supportive legal professionals who can assist you during a time of great need. 

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