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March 09, 2019

How Can I Prepare for Divorce Emotionally and Financially?

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Divorce Lawyer Rockville, MD

Going through the process of divorcing can be a stressful and overwhelming ordeal. In preparation for divorce, many spouses do their own research and consult with an attorney about what to expect along the way. Of course, spouses parting ways from their marriage partner are probably hoping to get the divorce over with as quickly and painlessly as possible. 

With so much at stake financially and emotionally, it can be challenging for divorcing spouses to organize their thoughts and lives enough to prepare for divorce. Fortunately, a divorce, family law, and child support lawyer Rockville MD is poised to give you the help you require in your time of need. Since many of the decisions associated with divorce and child custody can have a significant impact on the lives of everyone involved, having an experienced child custody lawyer like those at The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright is essential. Indeed, the right attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case.

Preparing for Divorce

Here is a list of things to do if you’re getting ready to engage in the divorce process.

#1 Get Yourself Organized

Throughout the divorce process, you will likely have to make plenty of important decisions that can affect you and your children for years to come. The more organized you are with documents related to the divorce, the more successful your negotiations can be. If you consult with a lawyer about your divorce, he or she can guide you through each step and provide examples of what types of financial documentation you will need to obtain.

#2 Consider Mediation

If both you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse cannot stand the sight of each other, then you may want to consider trying mediation before litigating in the courtroom. In mediation, a couple can negotiate the terms of their divorce agreement in the presence of a neutral mediator. The mediator assists with keeping the communication exchange flowing without taking sides. This can be a much more cost-effective way to work through a divorce. If two spouses are not able to reach a mutual resolution, then they will have to attend a court hearing where the judge has the final say.

#3 Maintain Your Integrity

Amid anguish and heartbreak, it can be tempting to vent on social media and other outlets about what you are going through. However, keep in mind that your spouse’s divorce attorney may be watching and digging up as much information about you as possible, which includes your social media accounts. Even if your posts are set to private from public view, a strategic and stealthy ex-spouse or lawyer may find a way to check out what you have been writing about the divorce. What you reveal may be used against you during your divorce proceeding in some way, especially if you are bad-mouthing your former spouse.

#4 Work on Providing for Yourself and Being Financially Solvent

With alimony and spousal support becoming less common all the time, it’s critical to ensure that you can provide for yourself after your divorce is finalized. If you are employed, don’t quit your job. If you aren’t working at the moment, update your resume and begin to think about what work you would be good at and would provide you financial independence. You could consider returning to school to advance your career or get training, as well.

#5 Create a Support System

Sometimes it takes a team of people who care about you and want what is in your best interest to get through a divorce. Friends and family can be useful allies and provide much-needed emotional support as you navigate struggles and bumps in the road. In addition to close loved ones, it isn’t uncommon for a divorcing spouse to have a lawyer join this support team. Without legal representation, the divorce process may be too complicated and confusing for the average person. A divorce lawyer Rockville, MD can offer information on state laws that apply to your divorce, representation during the court hearing, and help you prepare for negotiations.

Contact the Law Office of Daniel J. Wright for their insight into family law and preparing for divorce emotionally and financially.

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