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April 21, 2019

Making a Plan for Your Children During the Divorce Process

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Divorce Lawyer

When you and your spouse have made the decision to proceed with the divorce process, your attention may immediately turn to the impact the divorce will have on your children. While you will be experiencing significant changes, the emotional toll divorce stands to take on your children can be earth-shattering. It’s not uncommon for your children to have trouble coming to terms with your decision for you and your spouse to separate. The life they have become accustomed to will most certainly change forever. The best decision you can make for your children is to keep their best interests at heart during the divorce process. Amidst their needs, it’s only natural that you will also want to ensure that you are able to maintain contact with them in every way possible. This is why it’s so important to retain the legal services a law firm has to provide.

Discuss the Details with Your Attorney

Upon your initial meeting with the attorney, it will be important that we discuss your wishes regarding child custody. Coming prepared with the following information regarding your children can help us to work towards resolving your divorce and child custody as efficiently as possible. Details regarding child custody may include:

  • Child Support
  • Your wishes regarding physical and legal custody
  • Thoughts on a potential visitation schedule
  • Visitation regarding extended family such as: grandparents, aunts, and uncles
  • Decisions regarding insurance
  • Educational wishes
  • Who will claim the children as dependents
  • Who will cover the children’s health insurance
  • Where the children will reside

Your lawyers will work closely with you to gather the details regarding your divorce and your child custody wishes so that you can walk out of negotiations with your spouse with the best possible outcome.

Keeping Your Composure

Divorce stands to fuel a number of emotions. There are so many issues you will need to make decisions around that are close to your heart. Because of this, it can be easy to become overwhelmed, causing parents to behave irrationally. This is especially the case when making decisions regarding the support and care of your children. It will be important during this process that you do not lose sight of your children’s needs. Although it may be difficult to do, it’s important to slow yourself down by:

  • Not saying anything that could be damaging to your case
  • Taking a few deep breaths
  • Practicing self-care
  • Not losing sight of the bigger picture
  • Keep your personal feelings out of it (although it may be difficult)
  • Have a clear idea of your bottom lines
  • Clearly communicate during negotiations

The divorce process can feel endless. Ideally, everyone wants to resolve the process as quickly as possible. In some cases, it can be challenging to reach divorce agreements with your spouse. We will assist you by helping to advocate for your needs, educating you in terms of what to expect and helping you to maintain your composure.

Divorce can be an emotionally draining process, one that takes the help of an attorney to support and guide you through proceedings. Contact a divorce lawyer Tampa, FL divorced families recommend today so that they may assist you in facing what stands to be a difficult process.

Thanks to The McKinney Law Group for their insight into family law and the divorce process.

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