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March 17, 2022

Do I Need to Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

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Divorce is one of the most difficult things people go through, and divorce can also be one of the more difficult things for lawyers to deal with in court. Divorce is a highly emotional subject matter, which makes each of the parties in the courtroom a little more difficult to reason with sometimes. This is why it is crucial for you to look up divorce lawyers near me if you are trying to find skilled Divorce Lawyers Near Me to represent you in court. The family lawyers at The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright will be happy to speak with you about the unique details surrounding your separation, and help figure out a plan to move forward. 

Do I Need to Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

You absolutely need a divorce lawyer on your side, even if you feel like your case will be fairly straightforward. It is crucial that you have your own representation so that a divorce lawyer in Rockville, Maryland can make sure your individual rights are protected, as well as your child’s, if applicable. You may go through mediation instead of going to court with your soon-to-be ex spouse, but this way you will have a lawyer looking out for you and making sure you have all of the important things documented that need to be. 

What Kind of Issues Can a Divorce Lawyer Help You With?

Divorce lawyers have a wide range of work they need to do with their clients. They deal with things involving children — like child custody, child support issues, and child visitation rights — and issues that involve property division. Divorce lawyers know the laws of their state and how each of these topics usually turn out in court. For example, when it comes to child custody, a judge will always make sure the child is taken care of and put as the top priority. The parents’ desires and needs are rarely taken into consideration too much, as it is important that a minor is taken care of. 

A lawyer in Maryland will also know all of the property division laws of the state, which will help in deciding how to divide the assets between spouses after the divorce. Your lawyer can also go over whether or not you qualify for spousal support, or if your ex spouse is filing for it, make sure that you both reach a fair agreement. 

Contact a Divorce Lawyer Near You Today

It is important to contact a divorce lawyer in Rockville, MD as soon as you realize you and your spouse will be separating so that you can protect all of your rights. A lawyer from The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright will make sure you get fair compensation for your divorce and that you are taken care of during this incredibly emotional time. Don’t hesitate to give our office a call to set up a consultation with Divorce Lawyers Near Me today. We will give you advice, while also realizing this is a sensitive time for you and that your case needs to be handled with care. Reach out today to see if we might be a good fit for your needs. 

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