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Rockville Family Lawyer

family lawyer Rockville, MD

Your Dedicated Family Law Attorney

During your lifetime, you may encounter a period when you need the counsel of our Rockville, MD family lawyer at the Law Office Of Daniel Wright. We have been in business for more than 35 years and have an extensive legal portfolio to show for it. We hold our legal responsibility in high regard, and can ensure our clients receive the maximum compensation possible. We can offer advice on a wide range of legal issues that may impact a family dynamic. It can be an incredibly challenging and tragic time, so it’s key that you choose a firm that is familiar with family law cases. Contact our Maryland firm today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help. 

Table of Contents

Common Family Law Cases

Common family law cases and matters we can assist with include divorce, marriage, child support, spousal support, parental rights, adoption, child neglect, dependency, abuse protection, and division of assets due to divorce.

By choosing a family lawyer Rockville MD clients depend on from the Law Office Of Daniel Wright, you can feel confident that you have someone on your side to assess and advise you throughout the delegation. We understand how complex and stressful this experience may be and can help take the weight off your shoulders so you are not dealing with this alone. A lawyer at the Law Office Of Daniel Wright may perform a variety of tasks on your behalf.

Family Lawyer Responsibilities

  1. Litigation: Defending your rights in court and during hearings
  2. Counseling: Guiding you through an emotionally turbulent time
  3. Negotiating: A proceeding may occur outside the courtroom through a more structured back-and-forth process
  4. Financial Knowledge: Your family lawyer Rockville MD parents rely on can assist with accounting and financial decisions

Our Rockville family lawyer can meet with you either in our offices or at a location of your choosing. If you are out of town, we may utilize Facetime or Skype appointments in order to continue working forward for your benefit. We can work tirelessly to make you feel more at ease, and that all aspects of your trial are running smoothly.

Getting a Postnuptial Agreement

While most people have heard about prenuptial agreements, not everyone is aware of postnuptial agreements. Like a prenuptial agreement, a postnuptial agreement indicates how a married couple’s assets will be divided after a divorce and the amount of spousal support one must pay to the other. However, a postnuptial agreement is made after a couple has gotten married.

When You Need a Family Lawyer

People call upon a family lawyer in Rockville MD for numerous reasons, ranging from divorce and child custody issues to child abuse and neglect. Even if you are a childless couple seeking to adopt, a family lawyer from the law firm of Daniel J. Wright can assist in guiding you through the process.


In the old days, the only way anyone could divorce their spouse was to prove that one of the parties was at fault for the failure of the relationship. Typical reasons were adultery, domestic abuse, insanity, and/or abandonment. While those are still valid reasons, Maryland today recognizes the concept of “no-fault” divorce. This means either partner can petition for divorce for any reason — or none at all. There are certain stipulations, however. The primary condition is that the spouses must live apart continually for no less than one year before filing for what is known as an “absolute divorce.” Alternatively, couples may file for a “limited divorce,” which is usually done when one spouse depends on support from the other. A Rockville family lawyer can advise you on these issues.

Property Issues

Whereas many states recognize the concept of “community property” (meaning that all property acquired during the marriage is shared equally), Maryland courts divide property based on “equitable distribution.” This does not necessarily mean that property is equally divided; rather, the court determines who gets what based on each party’s needs and situation.

Child Custody And Support

When the separation is amicable, most couples are prepared and willing to enter into an agreement when it comes to the children. In other cases, however, it is necessary to call upon the services of a mediator who is trained in conflict resolution. In other cases, the judge may make the decision if the parties cannot arrive at an agreement. In either case, the decision is made based on what is best for the children.

Child Abuse And Neglect

In Maryland, police officers, teachers, health care providers, and social workers are legally required to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. Their assessment may not always be correct; if you have been wrongly accused of mistreating or neglecting a child in your custody, our family law attorney can help, especially if the state threatens to put the child in foster care. 


While adopting a child is usually a straightforward process, complications can arise; there may be questions about the prospective parent’s ability to care for the child, or the child’s biological parent or relatives may contest the adoption. Even if there are no issues, the red tape involved can be overwhelming. Our attorney is well versed in adoption laws and regulations; such services can be invaluable in helping parents or individuals wishing to adopt in navigating the complex and often overwhelming details that are part of the process.

What To Know About Divorce Mediation

The Process Looks Much Different Than Court Proceedings

With mediation, you and your divorcing partner will choose a mediator together and that person will serve as a facilitator for both of you. Through a series of meetings, you, your ex-partner, and the mediator will discuss and decide on the terms of the divorce. It is also different from litigation because the tone of the meetings is one of cooperation, not competition. The divorcing spouses must come to an agreement, however, because the role of the mediator is not to decide upon the terms for you. 

It May Take Less Time Than Litigation

Depending on the level of contention you and your spouse have for each other, the mediation process can be completed in as little as two meeting sessions. However, even in situations with difficulty and disagreement, mediation is usually completed within a shorter time period than court hearings. There is no guaranteed timeframe, but our firm will do our best to give you an accurate idea of what to expect from the process.

It Can Be Less Expensive Than Litigation

By avoiding court fees and the extended time periods often associated with divorce litigation, you can potentially save a considerable amount of money by going the mediation route. Our trusted Rockville family lawyer may be able to work with you and your divorcing partner to save money by avoiding court-associated costs.

Mediation Provides Privacy And Confidentiality

Court orders and documents can expose the private details of your marriage and divorce. Successfully completing the mediation process means you can avoid making this information public. 

You May End Up in Court

Sometimes disagreements are too great to be overcome and mediation fails to bring about amicable compromise. When that happens, litigation is the next step. If you and your divorcing spouse cannot come to an agreement with the help of a mediator, you will need a judge to make the appropriate determinations for you.

What Not To Do During a Divorce

The separation and divorce process are rarely easy, but navigating the period between filing and finalizing the divorce can be especially difficult. It may seem like your every decision is impacted by your pending divorce. There are certain behaviors you should avoid during this time, and there is a way to remove some of the uncertainty you may be having about how to proceed.

Don’t Do Anything Illegal Or Inappropriate

It may go without saying, but any activities that would be considered inappropriate or even unlawful should be avoided during this time. Poor choices will most likely affect a court’s decisions when considering spousal support, division of assets, and child custody and visitation matters. In addition to illegal activity that could lead to an arrest, there are some other behaviors that should be avoided if possible. Our family attorney can help you plan the best way forward according to your unique circumstances.

Don’t Stop Working

Do not quit your job. If your spouse is requesting alimony, your voluntary unemployment will not win you any favors with the court and it may not affect the amount of support you are ordered to pay. If you are requesting your spouse pay alimony, quitting your job can appear manipulative and may also backfire during litigation. 

Don’t Splurge

Do not make any big purchases or donations. This may appear to the court as a tactic to skew asset amounts or divisions. You should attempt to keep your finances unchanged during a divorce.

There are numerous other decisions that could be detrimental to your divorce case, but working with a Rockville family lawyer, can help you avoid costly or damaging mistakes. You should try to keep things as stable as possible and maintain the status quo. Any big changes can create difficulty and potentially hurt your case.

Do Look Into Pendente Lite Orders

Knowing how to maintain the status quo when you are in a period of intense flux can seem impossible. If you need some guidance on what to do during this period, a Pendente lite order can be beneficial. This is a temporary order that will stay in effect until your divorce is finalized. It can establish guidelines on many common areas of disagreement between spouses, like child custody and visitation, as well as both spousal and child support.

Contact Our Rockville Family Lawyer for a Free Case Evaluation Today

Maryland Laws To Know

Maryland, like every state in the United States, has a set of comprehensive family laws in place to govern various aspects of family life, from marriage and divorce to child custody and support. In this article, we will delve into specific Maryland family laws that are crucial to understanding how family matters are regulated in the state. Always contact an attorney in your area if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Marriage Laws

Maryland family law requires that individuals be at least 18 years old to get married without parental consent. However, the legal age for marriage with parental consent is 16 for males and 15 for females. It’s important to note that Maryland recognizes both traditional marriage and same-sex marriage, ensuring equal rights for all couples.

  • Divorce Laws

Maryland is a no-fault divorce state, meaning couples can seek divorce without alleging wrongdoing by either party. To file for divorce, at least one spouse must have resided in Maryland for a minimum of six months before initiating the process. The state also allows for both limited and absolute divorce, each with its own set of criteria and implications.

  • Child Custody And Visitation

When it comes to child custody and visitation, Maryland family law prioritizes the best interests of the child. The court considers various factors, including the child’s age, health, and relationship with each parent. Joint custody is encouraged when possible, but the court may award sole custody if it deems it in the child’s best interest. Visitation rights are also determined by the court based on the child’s welfare. 

  • Child Support

Maryland law mandates that both parents have a legal obligation to provide financial support for their children. Child support guidelines are in place to calculate the amount one parent must pay to the other. These guidelines take into account factors such as the parents’ incomes, the number of children, and other related expenses.

  • Alimony

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is governed by Maryland family law to ensure fairness and equity in financial matters after a divorce. The court assesses various factors, including the duration of the marriage, the financial situation of each spouse, and their respective contributions to the marriage, when determining alimony awards. 

  • Domestic Violence And Protective Orders

Maryland takes domestic violence seriously and has strict laws in place to protect victims. Victims can obtain protective orders to ensure their safety and prevent the alleged abuser from contacting them. Violating a protective order is a criminal offense with severe consequences.

  • Adoption Laws

Maryland family law provides guidelines and procedures for adoption, whether it’s a stepparent, agency, or private adoption. These laws prioritize the best interests of the child and require background checks, home studies, and legal processes to foster a safe and loving environment for the child.

Rockville Family Law Infographic

How Do I Initiate A Divorce?

Rockville Family Law Statistics

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, mothers are awarded sole or primary physical custody in about 80% of child custody cases in the United States.

  • About 26.5% of children under the age of 21 live with only one parent.
  • About 30.1% of children living with only one parent live in poverty.
  • About 40% of U.S. states have laws that favor joint custody.
  • About 51% of custody cases are settled without a judge’s ruling.

Distribution of Outcomes

One parent vs both parents

Poverty and one parent


How long will it take to complete the divorce process?

Sometimes a divorce can take a long time. This is especially true in situations that are contentious and the parties are unable to reach agreements. Unfortunately, when parties are unwilling to negotiate fairly with one another, it can be costly and time-consuming. In divorces that are uncontested and parties are able to easily reach agreements, the process can take up to six months. Our family lawyer will work with you to move through the process as quickly as possible.

What if we have difficulty reaching an agreement?

If you and your ex are able to reach an agreement, it can be formalized by your attorneys. If mediation is unsuccessful, litigation may be the next logical step.

Why is a divorce lawyer helpful when children are involved?

Divorce can be incredibly complicated, especially if children are involved. Matters like child support, child custody, and visitation rights are all added to the divorce process. A good divorce lawyer in Maryland will know how to help you throughout the entire divorce to get fair rights with your children.

Some ex-spouses are really good at dealing with one another and coming to a mutual agreement, but it is still very important to have a judge make a decision — or a mediator help you and your ex-spouse come to an agreement — so everything is in writing and set in stone.

All of these matters are fluid and able to be changed by a judge at any point, but you need to have all of your rights in writing so that if your ex-spouse violates anything he or she will be held accountable for those actions and you will have any wrongs against you or your children corrected.

If my ex-spouse and I agree on everything, do we need to hire a lawyer?

Absolutely. Even if you and your soon-to-be ex spouse agree on every single matter, it is still important to have your own representation so that your rights are looked after and protected. The calm and agreeable ex-spouse could change their tune at any moment, so it is crucial to have someone who will always be on your side and look after your legal rights.

Your family lawyer can help with mediation and friendly conversations with your ex-spouse to come to legal agreements, but if anything does go wrong — now or in the future — your lawyer will be there to have the proper documentation to back up your case. It is important to have a different representation than your soon-to-be ex so that you know your needs are the top priority in your case.

Your lawyer will also help make sure you meet any crucial deadlines and file the right paperwork so the divorce process goes as smoothly as possible for you. 

How are assets split up after a divorce?

It always depends on what state you live in on how you and your ex-spouse need to divide property, so it is important that if you live in Maryland, you hire a quality family lawyer that residents in the area trust. We know the ins and outs of the law and what kind of compensation you can expect to get after the divorce is finalized. This may also depend on any legal documents you may have signed with your ex-spouse in the past, like a prenuptial agreement, and if you had any mutual understanding about property you owned together or separately. Our lawyer will be able to best explain to you what you are entitled to. 

Is it necessary that I hire a family lawyer or can I represent myself?

In some situations, divorcing couples are able to move through the divorce process fairly smoothly. Before you decide that you will represent yourself, you will need to carefully review your situation. Being able to amicably move through a divorce will ultimately save both you and your ex time and money. However, emotions can run high, and sometimes they can get in the way of coming together to form an agreement. It can also cause one to make mistakes.

Our Maryland family law attorney can not only help you navigate the legal system and negotiate an agreement; we can provide the objectivity you need for a successful outcome.

How do I initiate a divorce?

Once you and your partner have determined that you will no longer continue your marriage, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure of the next steps. With the assistance of a family lawyer in Rockville MD, the divorce petition is the first step in the process. One party will serve the petition to the other party. They will sign or accept the petition acknowledging that they have received it. Following this, you will file the petition with the court.

There are key elements of a divorce petition including the reason for the divorce and information regarding each party. In addition, there may be temporary orders or agreements within the petition that include:

  • Custody details
  • Child support arrangements
  • Visitation guidelines
  • Financial agreements

family lawyer in Rockville, MD

Rockville Family Glossary

Our experienced Rockville, MD family lawyer knows that several key terms and concepts are essential for understanding the legal processes involved in matters such as divorce, child custody, and property division. Our trusted team at The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright recognizes these terms often appear in legal documentation, court proceedings, and consultations with our Rockville family lawyers. Below are five important legal terms related to family law.

No-Fault Divorce

A no-fault divorce allows a spouse to file for divorce without having to prove that the other spouse committed any wrongful act. This type of divorce is based because the marriage is irretrievably broken, meaning there is no hope for reconciliation. It simplifies the divorce process and reduces the emotional and financial strain that can result from proving fault. In a no-fault divorce, the parties are not required to present evidence of things like infidelity, abuse, or neglect. This can help preserve a level of privacy and make the process less contentious, ultimately allowing the couple to move on with their lives more amicably.

Equitable Distribution

Equitable distribution refers to the fair division of marital property during a divorce. Unlike community property states, where property is split equally, equitable distribution takes into account factors such as the length of the marriage, the income and contributions of each spouse, and the needs of any children. The goal is not always a 50/50 split, but a fair division based on the circumstances. Courts may consider contributions that are not just financial, such as homemaking, child-rearing, and emotional support. This approach recognizes that one spouse’s non-financial contributions to the marriage are just as valuable as the other’s monetary contributions, ensuring that the property division is just and reasonable for both parties.


Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third-party mediator helps the parties in a divorce or custody case agree on issues like property division, child custody, or support payments. Mediation is typically less adversarial than going to court, which can make it a more constructive and less stressful option for couples looking to resolve their differences amicably. In mediation, both parties are encouraged to communicate openly and cooperatively, which can lead to more creative solutions that satisfy both parties’ needs. Mediation also tends to be less expensive and quicker than litigation, making it an attractive option for many couples who want to avoid the time and costs associated with a lengthy court battle.

Postnuptial Agreement

A postnuptial agreement is a legally binding contract created after a couple is already married. This agreement outlines the division of assets and responsibilities should the marriage end in divorce or separation. While similar to a prenuptial agreement, which is created before marriage, a postnuptial agreement is tailored to a couple’s situation after they are already legally married. Postnuptial agreements can be particularly useful when there are significant changes in circumstances, such as the acquisition of substantial assets, a change in one spouse’s career, or the birth of children. They can offer clarity and peace of mind to both parties, ensuring that their financial and familial responsibilities are clearly defined should the marriage face challenges in the future.

Parental Rights

Parental rights refer to the legal responsibilities and privileges that parents have regarding the care, custody, and upbringing of their children. These rights can be contested in cases of divorce, separation, or child custody disputes. Courts make determinations about parental rights based on what is in the best interest of the child, which includes factors like emotional bonds, stability, and the ability to provide for the child’s well-being. In situations of divorce or separation, one parent may be granted primary physical custody while the other may have visitation rights or joint custody may be ordered. According to our Rockville family lawyer, these decisions are made after careful consideration of the child’s needs and the parent’s ability to provide a stable, nurturing environment for the child. Parental rights also extend to decisions about the child’s education, health care, and religious upbringing.

Law Office of Daniel J. Wright, Rockville Family Lawyer

20 Courthouse Square, Suite 212, Rockville, MD 20850

Contact Our Family Lawyer Today

In Maryland, family laws are designed to protect the rights and interests of all family members, ensuring that each individual is treated fairly and equitably under the law. Whether you’re considering marriage, divorce, child custody, or any other family matter, understanding Maryland’s family laws is crucial.

If you have questions or need legal assistance regarding family matters in Maryland, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Law Office of Daniel J. Wright. We are here to provide you with expert guidance and support to navigate the complexities of Maryland family law. Your family’s well-being is our top priority, and we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a consultation and let us assist you in protecting your family’s future.

Rockville Family Lawyer Google Review

“I went to Mr. Wright for a modification of custody and visitation. Mr. Wright was extremely professional, responsive, charismatic, knowledgeable, prompt, and assertive. I was awarded partial custody and given proper visitation with my son after not being able to see him for over a year due to parental alienation. Mr. Wright assured me he could help me achieve my desired results and he absolutely kept his word . Watching him work the courtroom was an absolute joy, he knew his stuff. He gave me the best gift anyone could ever ask for helping me get reunited with my son. I am beyond grateful to Mr. Wright for everything .” – Danielle W.

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